Underwater/Subsea Inspection & Maintenance Services
MISTRAS’ provides industry-leading diving inspection, maintenance, construction, and engineering services for underwater/subsea assets. Many assets in the civil infrastructure and oil & gas industries are fully- or partially-submerged in water, which creates a potentially corrosive environment that might affect the structural and mechanical integrity of critical assets. Our diving services help clients stay aware of and repair their assets’ conditions in subsea environments.
The Diving COE provides specialized inspection and maintenance services on:
We offer maintenance and inspection solutions of structural and mechanical bridge components, available for all bridge types. These include undermining surveys, NDT inspections, and mechanical repairs at or below a bridge’s water line.
Utilizing a combination of destructive testing (DT) and nondestructive testing (NDT) methodologies, trained technicians can examine harbor-based structures to determine material deterioration rates. Other NDT methods can also be used to inspect harbor structures.
Dams & Reservoirs
Utilizing NDT inspection methodologies, our diving services extend to monitoring, repairing, and inspecting the civil engineering and mechanical components associated with dam and reservoir equipment.
MISTRAS divers provide accredited in-water surveys to inspect marine vessel componentry such as propulsion and direction components, hulls, sea chests, and more.
Drinkable Water
Technicians follow specified procedures to ensure a proper intervention for drinkable sources of water, by providing dedicated equipment to work in water watersheds without threat of contamination.
Nuclear Fuel Tanks
Working in nuclear environments and other areas with contaminated waters (such as waste water plants) requires carefully trained technicians. MISTRAS divers have experience in project planning, equipment selection, wall lining installation, and inspection.
Diving Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Inspection Services
Using advanced nondestructive testing (NDT) equipment, technicians are trained to inspect the entire asset to discover hidden flaws, and incorporate use of preventative maintenance measures.
- 3D Sonar and Geo-Referenced Scanning
- Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Diving Engineering Services
- Design
- Analysis
- Technical expertise/NDT
- Surveillance
Diving Construction & Maintenance Services
- Corrosion Management & Prevention
- Drilling
- Blasting
- Welding
- Cutting
- Formwork
Diving Environmental Services
- Impact Studies
- Species Surveys
- Marine Surveys
Drinkable Water & Hazardous Site Intervention
- Waste Water
- Nuclear